[TEST/REVIEW] CPU accounting patches

Thomas Sparrevohn Thomas.Sparrevohn at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 26 18:32:30 PST 2006

On Thursday 26 January 2006 06:06, Ian FREISLICH wrote:

> I wonder how many people still bill for CPU time?  I'd go for the
> faster context switches.

Almost all major ITO's providers - From SUN, HP, IBM, EDS etc. has offerings 
that in some shape or other uses a "Utility model" based upon some sort of 
financial model based upon actual CPU/IO etc. usage - It is a major area now 
and provides one of the corner stones in the movement towards "Public Utility 

So it is very relevant as an area for general improvement and the "historical" 
models are not really good enough, for further information take a look a 
products as MicroMeasure etc.


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