unkillable process stuck in "START"-state

Mikhail Teterin mi+kde at aldan.algebra.com
Sat Jan 21 09:46:21 PST 2006

Wish started (or tried to) the mz. Top(1) displays the following:

92723 me          1 120    0 22368K  4104K RUN     42:41 99.02% wish8.4
94850 me          1  -8    0     0K     0K START    0:17  4.06% mz

The relevant `ps -axl' output is:

 1042 92723 12017 286 131  0 22368  4096 -      R+    p5   64:12,98 wish8.4 ..
 1042 94850 92723   3  -8  0     0     0 -      RE+   p5    0:17,34 [mz]

The mz process (94850) is not reacting to `kill -9'...

mz is started by the script via Tcl's `open' function with the "|mz ...." as 
the argument.

Why would it get stuck like this?

This is on amd64 running 6.0-STABLE from Dec 12... Thanks,


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