bge(4) problem

Gleb Smirnoff glebius at
Mon Feb 20 04:43:57 PST 2006

  Hi, Peter!

  Can you please answer several questions. I don't promise to do
anything, since I don't have such card and it is not sold in Russia,
but I will try to help you.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 06:30:12PM +1100, Peter Ross wrote:
P> I installed a IBM x336, a 1U server.
P> it came with two bge interfaces built-in:
P> (from dmesg) <Broadcom BCM5721 Gigabit Ethernet, ASIC rev. 0x4101>
P> which are working fine.
P> But I have a problem with two dual port Broadcom cards plugged in into
P> this box:
P> <Broadcom BCM5704C Dual Gigabit Ethernet, ASIC rev. 0x2100>

Not related to problem, but how did you managed to install two PCI
cards into 1U server?

P> I cannot connect them to the 1000MBit switch (a Dell Powerswitch,
P> unfortunatelly in unmanaged mode at the moment and 1000 km away:-(
P> If I try autonegiotiate they sometimes come up with 10MBit/sec, sometimes
P> they do not detect a carrier at all,
P> if I force them to 1000baseTX they do not find a carrier,
P> if I force them to 100baseTX they connect but I have packet loss (varying
P> between 15-60 %) so they are basically unusable.
P> I tried it with 6.0-Release,
P> upgraded to 6.0-p4,
P> and finally to 7.0-current this afternoon (it includes the last
P> src/sys/dev/bge/if_bge.c version 1.124)

Are the NICs a copper ones? Do they work properly against each other,
or against any other equipment? Since you are connecting them to
a switch that is 1000 km away, I suppose you are using some media
converters; what equipment is the NIC connected to?

P> I am more then happy to debug and test, but I only have limited time. Then
P> I have to install Red Hat Linux. My boss is keen to use FreeBSD but we are
P> under some pressure to get it working soon.

Do you have a proven evidence that Linux works properly in the same setup?
What is the version of Linux kernel?

Totus tuus, Glebius.

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