[HEADS UP]: OpenLDAP+nss_ldap+nss_modules separated patch and more (SoC)

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at optushome.com.au
Tue Aug 22 07:54:40 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-Aug-22 14:20:03 +0800, LI Xin wrote:
>Would you please consider having the imported OpenLDAP to install shared
>objects under alternative names?  It might be painful for users who
>wants OpenLDAP installation from the ports collection (as OpenLDAP team
>moves fast and fixes bug from time to time) if they get a same library
>in /usr/lib...

I'll take an opposing view:  If the two libraries are compatible, I
believe they should have the same name.  LD_LIBRARY_PATH, rpath and
ldconfig can be used to control the search path if a particular .so
variant is desired.

One difficulty with changing the .so names is that (eg) configure
scripts expect to find libraries under fixed names - if a package
has 'foo' as a dependency, it will usually look for libfoo.{a,so}
and generally won't have any way to say "use libfoo_i.{a,so} instead
of libfoo.{a,so}".

I'd also note that (eg) openssl exists in both the base system and
ports without any obvious problems.

Peter Jeremy
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