HEADS-UP: starting to commit linuxolator (SoC 2006) changes...

Julian Elischer julian at elischer.org
Thu Aug 17 15:15:42 UTC 2006

Divacky Roman wrote:

>>Anyone with interest in this is free to take care of this, as long as  
>>they coordinate with the people which work on the current  
>>infrastructure on emulation@ regarding the userland/security stuff and  
>>the kernel. Until someone stands up and shows results/progress, this  
>>is scheduled to vanish in the future.
>I personally see this 3 possible ways:
>1) leave it as it is (ie. as what will be commited shortly), this means runtime
>checking for osrelease sysctl and behaving according to it
>2) introduce option LINUX_24 or something like that to make this a compile time build
>3) remove the 2.4 completely saying that "if you want 2.4 emulation downgrade fbsd as well". 
>notice that this is 100% ok because linux itself doesnt support 2.4 emulation on 2.6 kernel.

I think that would be a great selling point..  especially if two 
processes could run the different releases at the same time..
"even linux needs vmware to do this..".

>I would go with number 3.

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