BGP: can't set sockopt TCP_MD5SIG 0 to socket 16

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Mon Apr 3 10:15:24 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-Apr-03 17:55:56 +0800, Nik wrote:
>I'm curious why I need to enable MD5 because in my system I don't use any
>authentication method. Is there any way to off the parameter. Also I notice
>that vlan in FreeBSD is not fully trunk.
>Examples ;
>vlan 1000 :
>connect to L2 switch and untag certain port to connect to PC. I still can
>use internet when I set that PC to use this IP;
>IP =
>Gateway =

I use VLAN trunks extensively in FreeBSD and have no problems with
them (I've had more problems with broken VLAN implementations in
switches).  Can you detail exactly what your interface configuration
is and what commands your are issuing that aren't working as expected.
Have you looked at the network traffic using (eg) tcpdump.

Peter Jeremy

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