Loss of ed(4) in a RC1 booted in qemu

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu Oct 13 20:41:59 PDT 2005

In message: <dilo06$fb2$1 at sea.gmane.org>
            "Joshua Coombs" <jcoombs at gwi.net> writes:
: Welp, while I have no real help, I can point out this was reported by 
: another user on the stable list, QEMU + RC1 == no ed

I've committed the changes to -current and asked for permission to
MFC.  I've installed qemu (cool little utility that) and have done
extensive testing with it.  There are multiple issues that this
uncovers.  Some are in qemu and some in if_ed.  I've generated patches
for qemu that makes it better (support the RTL8029 specific registers
better) and sent them off to the qemu list.


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