job count in (t)csh prompt b0rken

Michael W. Oliver michael at
Fri May 13 13:52:18 PDT 2005

hi guys.

just upgraded to latest CURRENT this morning, now my prompt is hosed.
among other things, it usually has a blurb which includes the job count,
expressed as:


now, it just has a single number representing the job count and all
other good info is gone.  worked fine with CURRENT from '04/28/05
00:20:45', which was my last CURRENT build before today.

old prompt:
 michael (Fri) 2005-05-13 15:46:08 ~
 line(ttyp2) jobs(0) signal(0)

current prompt:

here is the full monty...

set FD_DEF="%{^[[0;0;0m%}"
set FB_DEF="%{^[[0;1;0m%}"
set FD_GRY="%{^[[0;0;30m%}"
set FB_GRY="%{^[[0;1;30m%}"
set FD_RED="%{^[[0;0;31m%}"
set FB_RED="%{^[[0;1;31m%}"
set FD_GRN="%{^[[0;0;32m%}"
set FB_GRN="%{^[[0;1;32m%}"
set FD_YEL="%{^[[0;0;33m%}"
set FB_YEL="%{^[[0;1;33m%}"
set FD_BLU="%{^[[0;0;34m%}"
set FB_BLU="%{^[[0;1;34m%}"
set FD_MAG="%{^[[0;0;35m%}"
set FB_MAG="%{^[[0;1;35m%}"
set FD_CYN="%{^[[0;0;36m%}"
set FB_CYN="%{^[[0;1;36m%}"
set FD_WHT="%{^[[0;0;37m%}"
set FB_WHT="%{^[[0;1;37m%}"
set is_root = ""
if ("$uid" == "0") then
	set is_root = "${FB_RED}(root)${FD_DEF}"
# the whitespace at the end of each line is manadatory, else
# the prompt will be hosed up when using <home> and <end>
set prompt = "\n${FB_RED}%n${FD_DEF} ${FB_CYN}%M${FD_DEF} (%d) %Y-%W-%D
${FB_GRN}%P${FD_DEF} ${FB_YEL}%~${FD_DEF} \n${FD_YEL}line(%l)${FD_DEF}
${FD_MAG}jobs(%j)${FD_DEF} ${FD_GRN}signal(%?)${FD_DEF}
\n${is_root}${FD_YEL}%#${FD_DEF} "

(that 'set prompt' is all one line, btw)

thanks in advance for any pointers on fixing this.

Mike Oliver
[see complete headers for contact information]
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