pmccontrol.c:40:17: pmc.h: ENOENT

Jeremie Le Hen jeremie at
Thu May 12 00:12:08 PDT 2005


> "src/lib/libpmc" doesn't seem to be getting built; check 
> your source tree, in particular "src/lib/Makefile".

my src/lib/Makefile was indeed in "unresolved conflicts" status and
didn't contain any "libpmc" information.  I wonder how I could reach
this situation as I use the -C flags for my cvs update.

I checked out a fresh copy and it works now.  Thank you for your help
and sorry for wasting your time.

Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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