Interesting fs usage issue

David D.W. Downey david at
Tue Mar 22 12:05:24 PST 2005

> You probably have a process holding a reference to a file that's been
> unlinked.  Run "fstat -f /tmp" to see.

fbdev# fstat -f /tmp
USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT      INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W

Nothing shows at *all*. Which is weird. I've currently several screen
sessions open, which uses /tmp (as seen by an ls of /tmp which shows
the proper timestamps as expected for each session).

Would that not generate a response from fstat since the screens are

David D.W. Downey
CyberSpace Technologies
Toll Free: (866) 660-2303
Fax: (480) 247-4231
PGP Fingerprint: 19A5 0C7E 060C 2618 E8C1  AAFD C4D3 FD7E 6C4C 74E4

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