BTX halted during install

Hajimu UMEMOTO ume at
Wed Jun 22 09:02:49 GMT 2005


>>>>> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 14:43:10 -0400
>>>>> John Baldwin <jhb at> said:

jhb> Hmm, well.  First off, try disabling DMA for the hard drive and CD-ROM in the 
jhb> BIOS.  Secondly, you can hack on btx to add a while (1) loop ('foo: jmp foo') 
jhb> and move it around to get it to stop looping after the first fault so you can 
jhb> capture the details.  I can help you with that if you aren't familiar with 
jhb> x86 assembly.  Once that is done, I can look at the fault details to try to 
jhb> figure out what your BIOS is doing that is making the machine unhappy.

Unfortunately, it seems there is no such setting in BIOS menu to
disabling DMA.

I did patch to stop looping and got the message:

I heared from takawata-san that EIP=0x107 indicates runaway.

I could install FreeBSD by PXE boot from
6.0-CURRENT-SNAP004-i386-disc1.iso.  It's fine to boot FreeBSD which
is installed on HDD.

It seems BTX-halted occurs when loading loader or kernel via legacy
USB.  I heared from Panasonic folks that they improved their legacy
USB code for their latest series including CF-R4.  It seems there is
some issue in their improvement, and our BTX hits the weak point of
their improvement.  However, DOS, Windows and NetBSD are still
bootable on CF-R4...


Hajimu UMEMOTO @ Internet Mutual Aid Society Yokohama, Japan
ume at  ume@{,jp.}

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