vlan problems with nge

Yuriy N. Shkandybin jura at networks.ru
Wed Jun 22 06:51:00 GMT 2005


I've met next problem.
There is router under freebsd with nge card as parent for several vlans.

vlan102: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
        inet netmask 0xfffffe00 broadcast
        ether 00:40:f4:47:be:10
        media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseSX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
        vlan: 102 parent interface: nge0

Under 5.4 vlan + nge doesn't work - core dumps
but with 3 diffs from HEAD 1.70-1.72 for if_nge.c - all is working.

Under 6 - it doen's work  - but i've tried after Brooks Davis commits.

It looks next:
1) vlan sends packets, but do not receive
netstat -i shows 0  for ipackets field
2) tcpdump for parent interface shows nothing , but other side sees this arp
tcpdump -n -i nge0 vlan 102 -  shows nothing except  outgoing "arp who has"

3)i've met same problem for lnc card under vmware

I've saw in freebsd-net notes about  linux-freebsd  connectivity problems
for dot1q
It possible same problem here.

Also i've checked same configuration for rl and em cards - they works well.

My question:
How can i debug this situation ?
I've looked through if_rl, if_lnc and if_nge  diffs  as befor so after
brooks@ patches
- nothig special.


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