Replace /rescue/vi with mined(1) from DragonFlyBSD

Peter Jeremy PeterJeremy at
Sun Jun 19 19:39:44 GMT 2005

On Sun, 2005-Jun-19 12:00:12 -0700, Tim Kientzle wrote:
>Peter Jeremy wrote:
>>According to tar(1) and libarchive-formats(3), yes it read anything that
>>pax can.  (It can't write cpio but I don't see that as a requirement in
>Yes, it can write cpio.  (Posix octet-oriented cpio format, also called 
>'odc cpio'  Other variants are easy to add if there's demand.)

libarchive-formats(3) states:
   Tar Formats
     The libarchive(3) library can read most tar archives.  However, it only
     writes POSIX-standard ``ustar'' and ``pax interchange'' formats.

But tar(1) does state it can write cpio.  I skipped from tar(1) to
libarchive-formats(3) too quickly and missed that, sorry.

I think that just strengthens my argument that having pax in /rescue
is redundant, superfluous and unnecessary :-).

Peter Jeremy

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