6.0-current panic: loading radeon module

Jonathan Noack noackjr at alumni.rice.edu
Fri Jun 17 17:40:33 GMT 2005

On 6/17/2005 12:18 PM, Martin Cracauer wrote:
> Steve Roome wrote on Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 05:03:32PM +0100: 
>>If it's any iterest, I had a similar experience earlier this week.
>>xorg-server- with a radeon 9600 X and -current as of Monday
>>causes my entire machine to freeze up completely rather than just
>>It's fine if I take drm option out of the x config again - so it's
>>only when I actually use DRM, and for me it's a black screen and hard
> This is odd.  DRI (and hence DRM) only support radeons up to 9200
> (really 9250 probably).  Your 9600 series shouldn't have a need for
> the drm module in first place.

The r300 project (http://r300.sourceforge.net) is getting tantalizingly 
close to usable DRI for newer radeons.  I saw glxgears running at 2600+ 
fps for about 15 seconds before the 3D engine on my 9800 Pro locked up. 
  I finally got tired of manually merging Mesa commits and translating 
linux drm changes to bsd so I'm no longer using it.  If you're 
interested, here's the basic instructions:

Note that it requires a decent amount of effort just to get it to 
compile, much less do anything useful.  Abandon hope, all ye who enter 

Jonathan Noack | noackjr at alumni.rice.edu | OpenPGP: 0x991D8195
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