Reboot while booting with new per-CPU allocator

Robert Watson rwatson at
Thu Jun 16 14:16:12 GMT 2005

On Thu, 16 Jun 2005, Stephane E. Potvin wrote:

>  Kernel malloc layers malloc_type allocation over one of two underlying
>  allocators: a set of power-of-two UMA zones for small allocations, and the
> ...
>  modifications to vmstat in order to restore "vmstat -m" on core dumps will
>  follow shortly.
> I get spontaneous reboots while the kernel is loading after the kernel 
> finds the APICs while booting verbose:

It sounds like you've one a binary search to track this down and it's 
definitely that commit that did it?  I.e., if you specifically back out 
the associated changes to kern_malloc.c and malloc.h locally with a curret 
kernel, all is well?

Have you tried running with kern_malloc.c:1.141 (Jun 10) from Joseph 
Koshy, which corrects a bug in the deregistering of malloc types?

It looks like you're running with a serial console, but if not, could you 
do so and make sure there are no last second printfs that get eaten by the 
reboot clearing the video console?


Robert N M Watson

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