Kernel lockmgr races LK_UPGRADE against LK_SHARED...

Mohan Srinivasan mohan_srinivasan at
Thu Jun 16 00:41:33 GMT 2005

This is on 4.x, but I'm posting to current, it's likely also
an issue on current. Posting here hoping someone can shed 
more info on this lockmgr race.

I've into a bug where process 1 successfully LK_UPGRADEs a
vnode lock (from shared to excl) and process 2 successfully 
acquires the shared lock on that same vnode. I am not sure
what order the locks were acquired, it's not possible to 
infer that from the core.

Does this bug ring a bell with anyone ? If it does, can they 
shed any light/info they might have on this ?



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