HEADSUP: OpenBSD dhclient incoming

Darren Pilgrim dmp at bitfreak.org
Thu Jun 16 00:38:14 GMT 2005

From: Brooks Davis
> There are two issues here.  First, if we're going to keep
> network_interfaces around, /etc/rc.d/dhclient should honor
> it and not start dhclient on interfaces not in either
> network_interfaces or removable interfaces.

I think network_interfaces should be gotten rid of entirely for two

1: It creates a synchronization issue between it and the ifconfig_*
lines and duplicates functionality.  IIRC, rc.conf being out of sync in
this way has tripped up users in the past.

2: There are real configurations in which some interfaces are not
available when netif is run at boot.  One example is the many newer
mini-PCI wireless NICs that require a firmware upload.  Devd is the
accepted tool for performing such tasks, but rcordering puts devd after
NETWORKING.  The actions taken by devd must therefore include steps
taken by netif.  Calling the rc.d scripts directly from devd avoids
local scripts that duplicate rc.d functionality.  A similar situation
occurs for removable interfaces.

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