Accessing SCSI-Devices >2TB

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Wed Jun 8 15:32:56 GMT 2005

Xin LI wrote:

>Err...  You don't need to play with the drivers/CAM stuff, why not try the
>natively supported gpt(8), which works great.
>	- Map the RAID device to a single SCSI device
>	- Do a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=16384 count=16 to wipe the MBR
>	- Do a `gpt create /dev/da0' to create your GPT partition table
>	- Do a `gpt add /dev/da0' to create a GPT partition over it
>	- You will now see something like /dev/da0p1, which can be used for
>	  subsequent disklabel(8), or just newfs -U /dev/da0p1

I copied this message to my "useful stuff" folder.

What's the status of this page:

Is it still updated? Is the information on this page still correct?
It's not linked from the main projects-page, AFAICS.

 From this thread, I assume it's now possible to have >1 (or 2 or 4) GB 
partitions, just that sysinstall would have to be taught about gpt.
If I have a 4TB array (e.g. on a NetApp) - can I mount that via NFS, or 
is there a problem?
Or what about exporting an array of that size via NFS from a 
FreeBSD-host - does that work?


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