dhclient taking all cpu

Pascal Hofstee caelian at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 05:10:27 GMT 2005

On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 22:39 -0400, Mike Jakubik wrote:

> It seems to be back at it again, this time it took longer to kick in. Here
> is a "ps auxw|grep dhclient" :
> _dhcp      219 93.5  0.2  1484  1136  ??  Rs    8:49PM   5:06.00 dhclient:
> xl0 (dhclient)
> root       193  0.0  0.2  1484  1088  d0- S     8:49PM   0:00.02 dhclient:
> xl0 [priv] (dhclient)

Hi .. this looks exactly like the scenario i tried on my 7.0-CURRENT
adm64. i manually killed any running dhclient processes, then manually
started a dhclient process as root. There was no out of the ordinary
output there .. but after a couple of minutes i noticed a Second
dhclient process eating 64+% CPU again in top ... this second dhclient
process very likely got somehow started by devd, and since my own
root-started dhclient process was still running, for some reason ate 64
+% CPU.

The second i killed my own manually root-started dhclient .. the devcd
started dhclient dropped its CPU usage .. and hasn't been noticeable
since .. for several hours at least.

I still don't get Why devd insists on starting a second dhclient process
a few minutes after initial launch .. but as far as i can tell that Is
what's happening. Terminating the first dhclient process cancels the
cpu-hogging of the second process and seems to act 'stable' from that
point on.

I hope somebody with a better understanding of the code at hand, may
benefit from this information.
  Pascal Hofstee

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