got a "ucom" or "usio" device?

Bruce M Simpson bms at
Sun Jan 9 21:53:04 PST 2005

On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 07:50:33AM +0000, Julian Elischer wrote:
> can you test the patch supplied above for your device?

Apologies as this isn't directly related to this specific change, but
the nature of the change.

I think moving things out of usbd.conf is a good thing (as devd is
a more general way of doing many of the things which usbd does).

However, I should like to know how to go about converting the following
usbd.conf entries to devd.conf and perhaps committing it, together
with a port, for the convenience of those of us who use Bluetooth
together with the rather common Broadcom chips which need firmware:

# Firmware download for Broadcom BCM2033 Bluetooth dongle.
# Requires that the ubtbcmfw.ko module is pre-loaded in order for the
# pre-firmware device to be recognised. ng_ubt.ko should be pre-loaded
# also, in order for the device to be connected to the Bluetooth stack.
# The firmware image files are not installed by default and should be
# extracted from the Linux BlueZ firmware collection at:
device "Broadcom BCM2033 Bluetooth dongle"
        devname "ubtbcmfw[0-9]+"
        attach "/usr/sbin/bcmfw -n ${DEVNAME} -m /usr/local/share/usb/firmware/B
CM2033-MD.hex -f /usr/local/share/usb/firmware/BCM2033-FW.bin"

I imagine something like the following would be required, but would
appreciate a quick glance at it:-

attach 10 {
    device-name "ubtbcmfw[0-9]+";
    action  "/usr/sbin/bcmfw -n $device-name -m /usr/local/share/usb/firmware/BCM2033-MD.hex -f /usr/local/share/usb/firmware/BCM2033-FW.bin";


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