Extra long time resuming -current

Nate Lawson nate at root.org
Thu Jan 6 13:17:36 PST 2005

Warner Losh wrote:
>>When I updated to a recent -current, my laptop takes a very long time to 
>>resume (20 seconds) whereas before it took about 2 seconds.  I suspect 
>>the PCI device probe delay capability you added triggered this.  Perhaps 
>>the PCI resume code queries the register, gets all ones since the bus is 
>>not active yet, and takes the maximum delay for each device access?
> You mean enforcing the system software minimum access time delay?  At
> most I'm waiting 10ms (D3->D0 transition).  So you must have 2000
> devices if that results in a 20s delay.  There's an implication that I
> could halve that value.
> Alternatively, it could be that DELAY doesn't work quite right at this
> stage of the resume, so we're sleeping a lot longer than 10ms...
> Warner

I think phk's response that it's ATA timeouts may be more correct then. 
  I'll try to do more debugging, I guess.


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