opera-7.54.20040803_2: opera: Could not initialize spellchecker interface. File not found or could not be opened (-7)

Ronald Klop ronald-freebsd8 at klop.yi.org
Mon Sep 20 23:56:13 PDT 2004

On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 08:35:18 +0200, John Asher <j.asher at wanadoo.nl> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have tried several things to get the spellcheck option working in  
> Opera, since my English spelling somtimes dramatic fails... Anyway I  
> can't get this error away in Opera, and also on Google I did not found a  
> golden tip.
> opera-7.54.20040803_2: opera: Could not initialize spell checker  
> interface. File not found or could not be opened (-7)
> I hope someone has solved this and can explain me how to solve it.

Opera uses libaspell.so.15 and (recent) freebsd has libaspell.so.16.
Symlinking libaspell.so.15 -> libaspell.so.16 didn't solve the problem for  


  Ronald Klop
  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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