SMP problems with -CURRENT? (and BETA5)

Oliver Brandmueller ob at e-Gitt.NET
Mon Sep 20 06:36:05 PDT 2004


On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 08:19:53AM -0400, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
> >So I've installed 5.3-BETA4 on a 3gig P4 (with HTT enabled), and 
> >haven't had any problems.  Out of curiousity, I pulled down the latest 
> >code from cvs and gave it a whirl with a GENERIC kernel.  
> >Unfortunately, it stops booting as soon as it launches the second 
> >processor.  I'm attaching the output from the serial port.
> >In the mean time, I'll just go back to BETA4 :-)
> >
> >Adam
> Well, after posting this I noticed that BETA5 was out, so I cvsup'ed 
> RELENG_5 and rebuilt the GENERIC kernel.  I get the same results, though 
> (output attached) and the machine hangs after:
> SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
> Anyone know what's going on?

"Me too"

I see the same here with my kernel. Apparently I dot not yet try to 
switch of HTT and stuff like that. This is a Dual Xeon with HTT enabled 
at the moment.

- Oliver

| Oliver Brandmueller | Offenbacher Str. 1  | Germany       D-14197 Berlin |
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