Problem with sata drive

Søren Schmidt sos at
Sun Sep 19 22:53:35 PDT 2004

Mike Tancsa wrote:
> At 05:04 PM 19/09/2004, Søren Schmidt wrote:
>> Uroš Gruber wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I've notice that freebsd from beta4 does not recognize my sata 150 drive
>>> anymore. With beta3 it works now with beta4 or beta5 there's only 
>>> udma33.
>>> I have ICH6 chipset, is there anything I can do. here is my dmesg output
>> The ICH6 is not supported yet (ENOHW), so it will show up as a generic 
>> ATA controller. However since all SATA controllers (at least until we 
>> get SATA-II) always run the interface at 150MB/s thats what you will 
>> get no matter
> Hi,
>         Are there big differences between the ICH5 and ICH6 controllers 
> ?  I have one of these boards and it seems to work fine if I add a def 
> for it in  ata-pci.h and ata-chipset.c. Also what does ENOHW mean ? I 
> didnt find it in google.

The ich6 is one of the first chips to support the AHCI inteface which is 
sortof what Promise and others have had for some time in "proprietary" 
That said, IIRC the ich6 has a compatibility mode where it will work as 
just a good old ich controller, so adding the PCI id's should do it.

Anyhow I havn't been able to look into it since I dont have access to 
any ich6 HW (E NO HW :) )..


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