pccard fixed disk not work on 5.3-BETA

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Sat Sep 4 01:43:16 PDT 2004

In message: <20040904.143636.41626215.thasegawa at mta.biglobe.ne.jp>
            HASEGAWA Tomoki <thasegawa at mta.biglobe.ne.jp> writes:
: imp> do other, non ata pccards work?
: NICs work well.(corega K.K. corega Ether PCC-T and NextComK.K. NC5310B Ver1.0)

Is pccard a module or compiled into the kernel?  If it is a module only,
then there will be no ata pccard attachment in the kernel, which could
be your problem.


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