5.3 Beta2 bridging (update 2)

Gleb Smirnoff glebius at freebsd.org
Sat Sep 4 01:18:28 PDT 2004

On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 09:41:00AM -0700, Dave McCammon wrote:
D> Got the bridging to work after cvsup yesterday(I think
D> it was the rebuild but not for sure).
D> em0 - has ip
D> em1 -  no ip
D> Anyway, with both cables plugged in, traffic passes
D> through the box. Weird thing is, the box can't get to
D> (ssh, ping) other machines on the em1 side but can get
D> to machines on the em0 side. 
D> Machines on the em1 side can get to machines on the
D> em0 side. Machines on the em0 side can get to machines
D> on the em1 side and can get to the bridging box.

Do you have option BRIDGE in kernel? Or do you 
just load module bridge.ko?

Totus tuus, Glebius.

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