Sound in FreeBSD 5.3 Beta2

Derrick Edwards dantavious at
Fri Sep 3 14:04:42 PDT 2004

On Thursday 02 September 2004 08:00 am, Derrick Edwards wrote:

Matti made the suggestion to compile snd_ich in the kernel so I did. Still, I 
am not able to hear any sound. Any more ideas? Am I the only once having this 
Thanks Derrick 

>  I am having probs with sound. I have read a bunch of postings and tried
> the following things.
> 1. added device sound to the kernel
> 2. added  snd_driver_load="YES" to /boot/loader.conf just to get it
> working. *When I initially added  snd_driver_load="YES", I got some sound
> then it crashed, and never came back.
> 3. added this to /boot/device.hints because it was in the man page.
>      hint.pcm.0.irq="5"
>      hint.pcm.0.drq="1"
>      hint.pcm.0.flags="0x0"
> 4. Even tried to add pcm to the kernel. (ofcourse it did not work)
> This is the output of pciconf
> pcm0 at pci0:31:5: class=0x040100 card=0x4941434d chip=0x24c58086 rev=0x02
> hdr=0x00
>     vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
>     device   = '82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio
> Controller' class    = multimedia
>     subclass = audio
> I would appreciate any assistance in this manner.
> Thanks
> Derrick
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