Annoying SCSI waiting...

Julian Elischer julian at
Fri Oct 22 13:02:31 PDT 2004

Andre Oppermann wrote:

> Can't we just reduce the annoying:
>  Waiting 15 second for SCSI devices to settle
> to something shorter like 5 seconds in GENERIC?  I know perfectly well 
> where it
> came from but these days not many of those slow disks are still around.

Actually I'll wager money you DON'T know where it came from because it's 
really obscure :-)

When I wrote the original SCSI code I wrote it for MACH and only later 
did I port it to 386BSD
from which it went to FreeBSD (and is still in NetBSD I believe).  I 
originally selected 15 seconds
because it was needed by an  AEG SCSI neural net based OCR/ICR character 
recognition engine
we used to use with MACH.

I set it to 3 seconds on my systems..

> It really annoys the hell out of me waiting the 15 seconds for nothing 
> each time
> I boot the GENERIC kernel for testing.  Sure I can change that in the 
> kernel
> config but then it's modified.  Any why take 15 seconds of everyone if 
> only a
> very few actually need it (those with stone-age disk drives)?

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