Xorg and libm.so.2

Steve Bertrand iaccounts at ibctech.ca
Fri Oct 15 09:18:49 PDT 2004

I have just installed 5.3b7, and after installing Xorg, I get the
following error:

/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared obj "libm.so.2" not found, required by

I found in google that certain libs have been upgraded, and indeed, I
do have libm.so.3 in the /lib dir.

Can I tell Xorg that it should use .3, and if so, how.

Otherwise, how can I work around this issue so I can get X up and

Note: I did the install over FTP, and installed Xorg through sysinstall.



PS. Please Cc me in reply, I am not subscribed to this list...yet ;o)

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