amd sitting on ldaps port

Sean McNeil sean at
Wed Oct 6 15:43:17 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 13:59, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Oct 06), Sean McNeil said:
> > Looking at /etc/services is states that 636 is for ldaps, but I see that
> > amd is using it:
> > 
> > server# sockstat | grep 636
> > root     amd        468   5  tcp4   *:636                 *:*
> That's just a random port rpcbind assigned to the "amd" rpc service. 
> If you reboot I bet it'll bind to a different port.  Run "rpcinfo -p
> localhost" to see all the local port numbers assigned to RPC clients.

OK, but aren't there rules about rpc allowing assigned ports like that? 
It actually does not get another port on reboot.  It always binds to
that one each time.  Perhaps if I changed my configuration somewhat it
would make a difference.

It has always bothered me that the slapd is now in /usr/local/etc/rc.d
and doesn't come up until very late in the boot process.  Shouldn't
something with assigned ports like this either be started much earlier
(i.e. before amd) or the ports prevented from being used by anyone that
doesn't provide that service?  Seems to me that amd is in the wrong here
for having that port.  So that means that rpcbind is in the wrong for
assigning it to amd.


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