sil3112a SATA Controller, current status

Søren Schmidt sos at
Fri Nov 19 01:47:42 PST 2004

Wilkinson, Alex wrote:
> Soren, I know that TCQ stands for 'Tagged Command Queing', 
> but how about NCQ ?

NCQ = Native Command Queueing, semilar to TCQ but with different 
commands and sematics, still limitted to 32 tags. IIRC there is no "bus 
release" cycle in NCQ as SATA only has one device pr chain (well, as 
long as you dont use port multipliers that is).

> And how does one find out if their SATA disk is really using a
> PATA-SATA converter chip ? smartmon ?

Either by asking then vendor or by visual inspection, you cannot tell pr 
software, at least not in any reliable way AFAIK.



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