em0, VLAN and bpf(?) trouble w/RELENG_5

Charlie Schluting charlie at schluting.com
Tue Nov 9 23:18:01 PST 2004

Just wanted to chime in with a "me too".

fxp driver, 5.2.1-p9. if_vlan, bpf, promisc, etc all the same.

Lately the box will hang, no ping or anything. Just once, tonight, it 
seemed only L7 apps wedged and the stack was still up. It stays up for 
weeks at a time, and really only crashes when I do something cpu 
intensive, like tonight was a cvsup.

My spidey sense said "vlan issue" and I'm in the process of updating to 
5.3 right now.

Again, no real info, just a "me too" post :)


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