install error for samba-libsmbclient-3.0.7_1

Warren Liddell shinjii at
Tue Nov 2 04:45:18 PST 2004

> Try cd /usr/ports/net/samba-libsmbclient && make WRKDIRPREFIX=/tmp && make
> WRKDIRPREFIX=/tmp install && make WRKDIRPREFIX=/tmp clean .
> This will extract the port
> into /tmp/usr/ports/net/samba-libsmbclient/work/samba-3.0.7, build it
> there, install from there, too and then clean up. As a side effect, you
> won't need superuser priviliges to extract and build the port (you still
> need them to install of course).

Thanks a lot, appreciate the help.  That trick did the job aok and will be 
noted down for fuuuture rfrence should i come across this problem again.
Yours Sincerely

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