ad0: WARNING - WRITE_DMA interrupt was seen but timeout fired LBA=21267353

Søren Schmidt sos at
Wed May 12 07:45:26 PDT 2004

Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>>>Could someone tell me what this means (-CURRENT)?
>>The WRITE operation was signalled done by the disk by issueing an
>>interrupt and the finished request was put on a taskqueue to have it
>>return status to the system. However the timeout code fired because the
>>taskqueue hadn't been executed yet (it will wait one ome timeout period
>>before the result is forced through)..
>>So there is no harm done, but the taskqueue was slow to respond...
> as postend to freebsd-amd64 I am getting far too many of those and
> they won't stop.
>  From time to time there is also
> ad10: WARNING - WRITE_DMA interrupt was seen but taskqueue stalled LBA=...
> between all the ${subject} lines.

Hmm, something is keeping the taskqueue busy, and its not ATA...


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