Upgrading perl

Ivan Voras ivoras at fer.hr
Tue Jun 15 13:59:16 GMT 2004

I think I got myself in quite a mess with the whole business :(

I'm still struggling with upgrading perl, but recently I'm getting messages 
such as these in copious amounts:

pkg_delete: package apache-ant-1.5.4_1 has no origin recorded
pkg_delete: package db4-4.0.14 has no origin recorded
pkg_delete: package db41-4.1.25_1 has no origin recorded
pkg_delete: package diablo-jdk-noplugin- has no origin recorded

(there are about 50 messages like these (on a system with 400+ packages 
installed), and the batch gets repeated often during portupgrade runs)

They don't seem to be fatal since the programs (pkg_delete, for example) 
continue to run fine.

I think they appeared because I, hoping it would help me, upgraded 
portupgrade (the old version was from 2002.). Any ideas? pkgdb -uf didn't help.

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