Driver support for 3ware 8506-12 in i386?

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at
Sun Jul 25 19:10:18 PDT 2004

Hi - 

Many of you saw my messages last month on getting a 3ware 8506-12 SATA 
RAID controller working under heavy I/O on 5.2.1/amd64, and despite the 
work of Paul Saab in getting me a version of the -CURRENT twe driver, it 
still locks up under heavy I/O.  

So since this box is behind schedule, and I need to get this box stable, 
I am likely to side-grade this box to 5.2.1/i386, with the understanding 
that the twe driver as it stands now just isn't 64-bit compatible.  When 
5.3-RELEASE is out and the twe driver is hopefully 64-bit clean, I can 
reconsider going back to amd64 on this box.

Does anyone have a 8506 series (esp. a 8506-12) controller running under 
5.2.1/i386 in production?  I'd like to know before hand before I make 
the jump.

Best Wishes - Peter
Peter_Losher at | ISC | OpenPGP Key E8048D08 | "The bits must flow"
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