Call for PRs: nullfs

Robert Watson rwatson at
Sat Jul 17 16:01:02 PDT 2004

On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Norikatsu Shigemura wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 15:59:31 -0400
> Alex Vasylenko <lxv at> wrote:
> > I find the performance of nullfs somewhat lacking as measured in the test
> > described below (a config with nullfs performs worse (~2x slower) than the same
> > config with vnodefs). For simplicity the test was done in chroot, doing it in a
> > jail has no significant impact on performance.
> 	Wow, I confirmed this behavior with 'make buildworld' on
> 	5-current(2004/7/2, SMP).
> 	nullfs mounted /usr/src, /usr/obj:	about 5000sec
> 	ln -s'ed /usr/src, /usr/obj:		about 3000sec

There are a number of potential causes for this, and working out which it
is would be useful.  One is the direct overhead associated with stacking
-- extra computation, locking, function calls, etc.  Another is the
indirect overhead associated allocating additional twice as many vnodes
for every file system object (original location, new location).  This can
be measured in both actual memory overhead, but also the impact on hitting
the maxvnodes bound, which causes vnodes to be recycled.  It could be that
you're hitting the bound and as a result useful vnodes are leaving the
vnode cache.

You might try looking at the value of vfs.numvnodes, vfs.wantfreevnodes,
vfs.freevnodes, and kern.maxvnodes at intervals through the benchmark --
maybe running a script that pulls down the sysctl values every 10 seconds
or 20 seconds or such.  On some systmes, "memory is no object" -- on other
systems it is -- it would be interesting to know how much memory your
system has.  Finally, it might be interesting to know what the page fault
rate and disk I/O transaction rates during the benchmark.  These might
point at the additional memory consumption creating pressure for necessary

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
robert at      Principal Research Scientist, McAfee Research

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