5.2.1 using heaps of memory for Perl Process

Drew Broadley drew at corrupt.co.nz
Wed Jul 7 22:54:27 PDT 2004

Andrew Nelson wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just upgraded from 4.9 to 5.2.1 and have a perl script
> which runs for about 10 minutes roughly 20 times a day.  Since
> the upgrade, the same process has started crashing with "Out
> of Memory"..  It keeps building up, eating the swap then crashes.
> The swap partition is the same size on the old machine but I don't
> think it ever needed it.. (exactly the same hardware too).
> 'top'  shows the process alternating between  STATES: 'piperd',
> 'swread' and 'RUN'.
> All the process does is uncompress some data (using the system
> command to flow-tools) and inserts it into a MySQL database.
> it's the same version of perl (installed with default FreeBSD install).
> Can anyone suggest a fix?

Probably the best suggestion would be to rebuild perl. 5.1 -> 5.2.1 is a 
major step and if you are using other then 5.00x then it would probably 
be a MUST DO.

Have you read /usr/src/UPDATING ?

- Drew

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