sshd_config 1.35 commit

Richard Coleman richardcoleman at
Thu Feb 26 13:27:59 PST 2004

Mike Jakubik wrote:
>>> I'm not going to memorize all my clients logins, and waste time 
>>> typing them in. Its a pain in the ass and a waste of time. How
>> I agree.  That's why I use key authentication.  Maybe you should 
>> too.
> I guess I will be switching to key authentication then. But any ideas
>  why SecureCRT would prompt me twice for the password when using 
> keyboard-interactive?

Why do you need to switch anything?  Just because DES changed a 
particular default doesn't mean you need to leave it there.  Change it 
to what you want and be happy.

I've learned to not get upset just because someone wants a particular 
default to be different from what I want.  As long as I can change it to 
my preference, life is good.

Richard Coleman
richardcoleman at

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