Running the network stack without Giant -- change in default coming

Jun Kuriyama kuriyama at
Tue Aug 24 18:39:41 PDT 2004

At Tue, 24 Aug 2004 14:41:20 +0000 (UTC),
Robert Watson wrote:
> - We've focussed primarily on getting mainstream network configurations to
>   run without Giant: this means that less mainstream subsystems (parts of
>   IPv6, some netgraph nodes, IPX, etc) are currently unsafe without the
>   Giant lock turned on.

I'm interesting to use without Giant.  But (as you know :-)) I'm using
IPv6 usually.  How can I help to test this?

I'm sorry I don't understand how it is difficult, but is it possible
to protect whole IPv6 code only with Giant without network stack

Jun Kuriyama <kuriyama at> // IMG SRC, Inc.
             <kuriyama at> // FreeBSD Project

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