Can someone please commit a sane module path in loader.conf?

M. Warner Losh imp at
Wed Aug 11 23:15:18 PDT 2004

In message: <20040811164508.74419.qmail at>
            Jeffrey Katcher <jmkatcher at> writes:
: I know I can override it in my local loader.conf, but the change to
: /boot/modules only was _really_ annoying and unexpected.  FYI, it should be
: /boot/kernel for most people.


        Module loading has been fixed.  Some older installations will
        drop proper module_path initalization and modules will fail to
        load properly.  If you have a line in /boot/loader.rc that says:
        "initialize drop", do (i386 only):
                cp /usr/src/sys/boot/i386/loader/loader.rc /boot/loader.rc
                chown root:wheel /boot/loader.rc
                chmod 444 /boot/loader.rc

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