Failed to detect hard disk on TP X31

Dennis Kristensen dennis at
Wed Apr 21 03:16:15 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 19:42, Niki Denev wrote:
> With the today's -current, my thinkpad X31 doesn't seem to detect my hard 
> disk anymore....
> It seems that it detects the ide controller while booting, but it pauses for 
> about 10 seconds after the first "Lazy allocation" messages.
> and then the kernel fails to find the root fs.
> seems like this is related to the latest ata-pci.c and pci.c changes?
> because when i reverted to the previous revisions, the disk is detected 
> correctly.

Just a "me too". With latest source from a few hours ago my ATA devices
are not probed again but my floppy suddenly is. Reverting the recent
ata-pci.c/pci.c makes them re-appear, but the floppy to disappear. 

This is on a Dell Inspiron 8200 with an ICH3.


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