Failed to detect hard disk on TP X31

Niki Denev nike_d at
Wed Apr 21 02:53:19 PDT 2004

Lars Eggert writes:

> Niki Denev wrote:
>> With the today's -current, my thinkpad X31 doesn't seem to detect my 
>> hard disk anymore....
>> It seems that it detects the ide controller while booting, but it pauses 
>> for about 10 seconds after the first "Lazy allocation" messages.
>> and then the kernel fails to find the root fs.
>> seems like this is related to the latest ata-pci.c and pci.c changes?
>> because when i reverted to the previous revisions, the disk is detected 
>> correctly.
> I had the same issue with different hardware. The patch that Soren 
> posted fixed it for me.
> Lars
> -- 
> Lars Eggert                                     NEC Network Laboratories

yes, but i was not getting this before, but now, after the last commits to 
maybe i'll try to find the patch and apply it to the latest sources, to see 
what will happen.


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