device uscanner in GENERIC?

Bernd Walter ticso at
Tue Apr 20 06:58:36 PDT 2004

On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 03:25:00PM +0200, Mattias Schlenker wrote:
> Does it make sense to keep the entry
>   device uscanner
> in the GENERIC configuration file? Most people nowadays use scanners via 
> libusb which is also the default behavior if installing sane -backends 
> (it depends on libusb) from the ports. In FreeBSD 4.x usually having 
> "device uscanner" in your kernel configuration meant that the scanner 
> was available both via uscanner and ugen. However in 5.x "device 
> uscanner" blocks the scanner from being recognized.

ugen is no option for multi interface devices, e.g. scanner/printer
ugen is a device level driver and once you have an interface level
driver like ulpt attached you can only share the device with other
interface level drivers.
Well uscanner currently is a device level driver as well, but that's
more a bug and is changeable.

> Since this makes it necessary to recompile the kernel just to use a USB 
> scanner, I would suggest to deactivate device uscanner in GENERIC for 
> future kernels to make the use of FreeBSD a bit more painless for 
> newbies. If needed, uscanner.ko can still be loaded as a module.

If uscanner attaches to a scanner, why do you want it via libusb?
Where is the problem with uscanner vs. ugen/libusb?
Do we need any uscanner enhancements?

B.Walter                   BWCT      
bernd at                                  info at

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