PCI interrupt routing with APIC broken again

Tomi Vainio - Sun Finland Tomi.Vainio at Sun.COM
Tue Apr 20 06:47:38 PDT 2004

Peter Schultz writes:
 > Have you tried setting `hw.acpi.force_sci_lo=1' at the loader prompt?
MADT: Forcing active-lo polarity and level trigger for IRQ 9
acpi0: Overriding SCI Interrupt from IRQ 9 to IRQ 20

Now vmstat -i doesn't show acpi at all.

# vmstat -i
interrupt                          total       rate
irq1: atkbd0                           1          0
irq0: clk                          56509         99
irq8: rtc                          72333        127
irq14: ata0                           10          0
irq15: ata1                           55          0
irq16: ahc0 ahc1                    4736          8
irq17: fxp0                         1595          2
irq9: intpm0                         862          1
Total                             136101        240


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