A way to recover deleted files (just contents) from USF2

Oliver Brandmueller ob at e-Gitt.NET
Tue Apr 20 03:26:35 PDT 2004


On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 02:15:55PM +0400, Andrey Smirnov wrote:
> I deleted a lot of files from UFS2, they are very important to me... Is 
> there a way to recover their inodes with contents? (I've got a database 
> with file sizes, so if I get just file contents, it would be enough to 
> me). Something like 'lost+found' after fsck?
> ffsrecov doesn't work with UFS2, as far as I know, Sleuth Kit also...

This is a FAQ. Und the frequent answer is:

You can easily recover valuable data after accsional deletion from your 
backup. If you don't have a backup, then your data don't seem to be woth 
having them backed up.

Anyway: If you don't have the disk in r/w opeartion after the deletion 
for a long time or at least did not have many writes, there are programs 
that might recover special data like pictures from the disk blocks of a 
raw device, nearly independent from any filesystem. But that might take 
days an a usual harddisk, is limited to special filetypes and not always 

- Oliver

| Oliver Brandmueller | Offenbacher Str. 1  | Germany       D-14197 Berlin |
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