[ndis] [locking] intel 2100 3b

Lukas Ertl le at FreeBSD.org
Tue Apr 20 02:14:08 PDT 2004

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, jason kawaja wrote:

> when i "up" ndis0, i do see three of :
>  ndis0: set filter failed: 6
> but then the interface is up and i am able to funtion on my wireless
> network as expected (ping local and remote hosts).
> i get approximately 15-30 seconds and then my system locks up, no
> keyboard...nothing.  power cycle is the only remedy.  no logs of what is
> going on that i can see.

Same here.  I load if_ndis, and after some random time (sometimes a few
minutes, sometimes 20 minutes), the box locks up hard.  Card is also Intel
P/W 2100 3b.

Last known working kernel is from Apr 12th.


Lukas Ertl                           http://mailbox.univie.ac.at/~le/
le at FreeBSD.org                       http://people.freebsd.org/~le/

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