Second "RFC" on pkg-data idea for ports

Garance A Drosihn drosih at
Mon Apr 19 18:59:37 PDT 2004

At 8:10 PM -0700 4/13/04, Kris Kennaway wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 07:22:26PM -0400, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
>  > At 12:53 AM +0200 4/14/04, Martin wrote:
>  > > It is very difficult to parse the Makefiles to find out
>  > > which version number and which dependencies it has. Some
>  > > versions (like KDE3) are just variables and I don't have an
>>  > idea how to fetch them yet.
>>  If it is easy for you to execute commands, then something
>>  like:
>>  /bin/make -f /usr/ports/shells/bash2/Makefile -V PORTVERSION
>>  might give you the result you want.  But I do not know if
>>  that will work for all ports.
>It should, modulo s,/bin,/usr/bin, :-).

Oops!  Yeah.  It helps to get the right command!

But the other thing I was thinking of is that the above is not
sufficient for some ports.  In some cases, you also have to 'cd'
into the directory of the port before doing the `make'.  Eg:

(32)  cd
(33)  make -f /usr/ports/shells/zsh+euc_hack/Makefile -V PORTNAME
"/usr/ports/shells/zsh+euc_hack/Makefile", line 18: Could not find 
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

(34)  cd /usr/ports/shells/zsh+euc_hack
(35)  make -f /usr/ports/shells/zsh+euc_hack/Makefile -V PORTNAME

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at

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