siege and libpthread

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Sun Apr 18 12:34:44 PDT 2004

Robert Watson wrote:

> (1) substituition via libmap.conf.
> (2) linuxthreads substitution -- not sure if that can be done with
>     libmap.conf.

I don't think linuxthreads can be done with libmap, and even if it does, 
I can't do it for another couple of weeks...

With libthr it's the same. During the test I noticed in 'top' somewhat 
strange differences in time spent in the 'system' mode. Running under 
/usr/bin/time confirms that:

============= libthr:
alfredo:~> /usr/bin/time -hlp siege -c20 -t1m -d1 -f web_list
** Siege 2.59
** Preparing 20 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...time: command terminated abnormally
real 19.88
user 0.76
sys 1.65
       3700  maximum resident set size
         55  average shared memory size
        997  average unshared data size
        137  average unshared stack size
        700  page reclaims
          0  page faults
          0  swaps
          1  block input operations
          4  block output operations
        501  messages sent
       7463  messages received
          0  signals received
       3261  voluntary context switches
      13445  involuntary context switches
Segmentation fault

============= libpthread:
alfredo:~> /usr/bin/time -hlp siege -c20 -t1m -d1 -f web_list
** Siege 2.59
** Preparing 20 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...time: command terminated abnormally
real 32.79
user 0.95
sys 0.66
       4340  maximum resident set size
         59  average shared memory size
       1406  average unshared data size
        145  average unshared stack size
        902  page reclaims
          0  page faults
          0  swaps
         33  block input operations
         34  block output operations
        995  messages sent
      25512  messages received
          0  signals received
      25287  voluntary context switches
       5625  involuntary context switches
Segmentation fault

============= libc_r:
alfredo:~> /usr/bin/time -hlp siege -c20 -t1m -d1 -f web_list
** Siege 2.59
** Preparing 20 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...
Lifting the server siege...      done.
Transactions:                   1804 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                  59.74 secs
Data transferred:           68221721 bytes
Response time:                  0.14 secs
Transaction rate:              30.20 trans/sec
Throughput:               1141935.44 bytes/sec
Concurrency:                    4.11
Successful transactions:        1804
Failed transactions:               0

real 59.78
user 1.40
sys 1.94
       3884  maximum resident set size
         50  average shared memory size
       1031  average unshared data size
        123  average unshared stack size
        693  page reclaims
          0  page faults
          0  swaps
          0  block input operations
          0  block output operations
       1808  messages sent
      47267  messages received
        311  signals received
      44678  voluntary context switches
       9919  involuntary context switches

But then again, those probably doesn't mean anything, because the 
measurements are taken for different time periods.

C isn't that hard: void (*(*f[])())() defines f as an array of
unspecified size, of pointers to functions that return pointers to
functions that return void.

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