RFC: ported NetBSD if_bridge

Garrett Wollman wollman at khavrinen.lcs.mit.edu
Sat Apr 17 10:58:14 PDT 2004

<<On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 13:20:34 -0400 (EDT), Robert Watson <rwatson at FreeBSD.ORG> said:

> Ah, wonderful.  I've been hoping someone would do an 802.1D implementation
> on FreeBSD for years.  I started on one in 1999, but never really made
> headway because of other obligations.  I have a copy of 802.1D sitting on
> my bookshelf at work to this day :-).

Well, these days what you'd really like is 802.1w, if not 802.1s.  But
802.1D is at least a start!


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